Brutal men fuck a crowd in the ass of a nosy Lydia Black and try to strangle

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  • 53:49
  • 21.10.2022
  • 44
  • 48437
  • 0
«This setup of a young Canadian porn star Lydia Black was arranged by her own agent. He was warned that they would fuck the chick as hard as possible, and they paid well for this case, but he hid all the loot and told Lidka - everything is normal, a normal gangbang with anal with five men, nothing new for you. No, at first everything was fun - standard crowd fucking with double penetration into the anal hole. The problems began when the men went berserk and tried to insert three dicks into the anus of the heifer. The hole did not accept so much, and Lida began to be strangled (really this moment at the 26th minute). A bald dick with a beard, fucking from behind, took the neck of a heifer in a suffocating lock. Lidka begins to suffocate - it seems everything is a pussy chick - but manages to escape, and then she is fucked with slaps and strangled in front, using the technique of Brazilian jiu-jitsu. The heifer again leaves the suffocating. The men change tactics and decide to break Lida's point with their cocks so that she can never fuck in the ass again. Let's see what they got.»

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